经济发展是一项团队运动. That's why our partners throughout the region and state are essential to our success in driving long-term economic growth and prosperity for the Greater Grand Rapids region.
Hello West Michigan
Right Place的战略合作伙伴, Hello West Michigan, works to attract and retain world-class talent and companies in West Michigan. This partnership allows both organizations to better leverage on another's assets, 解决该地区的人才短缺问题, 与求职者建立联系, 为雇主寻找人才.
你好,西密歇根提供以下服务, 同时迎合求职者和西密歇根州雇主的需求:
- One-stop shop website 为有兴趣搬到西密歇根的人准备的
- Job Portal 介绍会员公司的空缺职位
- Candidate Database搬迁,新搬到城里,或失去了重要的另一半? Upload your resume here
- Events & 像招聘会、交际会之类的培训 重新考虑西密歇根
Since 1991, the 密歇根州西部制造技术中心(MMTC-West) has acted as trusted advisors to small and medium-sized manufacturers as they develop stronger operations, drive innovation, 促进卓越,实现更大的利润.
作为The Right Place的战略合作伙伴, MMTC-West's team allows us to offer a more comprehensive selection of economic development services to manufacturing companies in our region. MMTC-West的顾问提供了目标, straight-forward consulting and manufacturing technical support to manufacturers in the 13-county West Michigan region.
René Booker
项目经理,MMTC-WestRené Booker is program manager for the Michigan Manufacturing Technology Center-West, 为事件提供支持, marketing, 并在内部不断努力改进. She also supports The Right Place/MMTC-West Manufacturers and Supply Chain Management Councils.
Terry Hossink
制造服务副总裁Terry负责The Right Place的制造服务团队. He is also the Regional Director for the Michigan Manufacturing Technology Center - Grand Rapids office team. This team works with West Michigan’s small and mid-sized manufacturers assisting them with their opportunities for continuous improvement, development, growth, 并向先进的制造技术转型.
Steven Lopez
业务发展专员,MMTC-WestSteven Lopez is an experienced Business Development Specialist with the Michigan Manufacturing Technology Center – West, 隶属于The Right Place. 专门从事工厂和生产管理, Steven has a deep passion for operational excellence and lean processes. He is notably recognized for his expertise in driving operational excellence and innovation within Industry 4.0. 作为西密歇根州的龙头工业.0评估员,Steven进行全面的工业4.在西密歇根州的13个县进行了0次评估, focusing on identifying technologies that enhance operational performance. Serving small and mid-size manufacturers in Barry County and parts of Kent, his work is instrumental in advancing technological innovation and fostering growth in Michigan's dynamic manufacturing sector. 通过这些努力, Steven plays a crucial role in ensuring the regional manufacturing industry remains competitive and innovative in the evolving global landscape.
Sadie McKinstry
业务发展专员,MMTC-WestSadie McKinstry is a Business Development Specialist for the Michigan Manufacturing Technology Center-West, primarily serving small and mid-sized manufacturers located in Ottawa and Allegan counties.
Amy Winkler
客户协调员,MMTC-WestAmy Winkler is the Client Coordinator for the Michigan Manufacturing Technology Center-West Regional Office at The Right Place, Inc. 艾米协调客户咨询和培训项目, 用户小组和工作坊, and monitors these activities’ compliance with contractual reporting requirements.
Ben Wood
业务发展专员,MMTC-WestBen is responsible for working with small to medium sized manufacturers in West Michigan, focusing on Mason, Lake, Osceola, Oceana, Newaygo, Mecosta, Muskegon, Montcalm, Ionia, 和北肯特郡. He helps them assess their opportunities for continuous improvement and growth.
The 密歇根经济发展公司(MEDC) is the state's marketing arm and lead advocate for business development, talent and jobs, tourism, 电影和数字媒体激励措施, 艺术及文化补助金, 整体经济增长.
The 密歇根国防中心 identifies growth opportunities for Michigan businesses based on Department of Defense (DoD) and Department of Homeland Security (DHS) needs. The Defense Center helps businesses access research and development (R&D)大学的资源, 联邦实验室, and industry, in order to form strategic alliances and respond to new challenges in defense and homeland security.
区域航空联盟 (RAA) is a private sector initiative dedicated to providing world-class commercial air service in the region. Its goal is to serve as a catalyst for improved air service in West Michigan for the benefit of area residents, businesses, and visitors.
- 机场旅客服务质素
- 机场营运表现基准
- 航空服务经济影响分析
- 航空公司服务保留
- 航空公司服务招聘
Mission: To pursue, through research, study, 分析与实验, the advancement, improvement and promotion of commercial air service in West Michigan for the benefit of the residents and companies that do business in the region. Our goal is to identify how improved commercial air service contributes to improved quality of life for residents and more efficient operations for business.
The Right Place serves six of the 13 counties throughout West Michigan, including: Kent, Ionia, Lake, Newaygo, Montcalm and Oceana. These services are made available to these communities through partnerships with several local economic development alliances throughout the region.
Representing area companies and dedicated to retaining and attracting businesses to Ionia, the 爱奥尼亚县经济联盟(ICEA) provides comprehensive economic development services including business retention, expansion, 吸引对爱奥尼亚县企业的支持.
The 湖县经济发展联盟 mission is to create a unified vision promoting the unique Lake County resources including historical, natural and cultural amenities that enhance the capacity of the local economy.
The mission of the 梅森县商会联盟 就是促进商业发展, 加强经济和社会发展, and serve as a catalyst for improving the overall quality of life in Mason County.
The MCDC’s mission is to facilitate and initiate economic development that expands and diversifies the Mecosta County economy, 从而为当地居民创造就业机会.
2015年1月 蒙特卡姆经济联盟 重新激励其组织,并与The Right Place合作, 西密歇根州领先的经济发展组织, 为蒙特卡姆县提供经济发展服务.
The Right Place has collaborated with community leaders in Newaygo County to ensure long-term job creation, investment, 以及整个国家的经济繁荣. 这一伙伴关系在2022年得到扩大,成立了 纽瓦哥县经济发展伙伴关系.
The 大洋县经济联盟 is an organization created to assist business development needs in Oceana County with a mission to create a diverse economic environment by strengthening talent, 利用资源, 支持留存率, expansion, attraction, 以及创立奥西阿纳县企业.